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Number: 96/2017/ND-CP


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Ha Noi , August 16, 2017


Defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure

of the Ministry of Justice


Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on the Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP of September 1, 2016, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries and ministerial-level agencies;

At the proposal of the Minister of Justice;

The Government promulgates Decree defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice.


Article 1. Position and functions

The Ministry of Justice is a governmental agency functioning to perform the state management of law making and enforcement, examination of legal documents, law dissemination and education, civil judgment execution, administrative judgment execution, judicial assistance, judicial administration, state compensation; the management of the enforcement of the law on handling of administrative violations; the state management of public non-business services in the fields under its state management.

Article 2. Tasks and powers

The Ministry of Justice shall perform the tasks and exercise the powers defined in the Government’s Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP of September 1, 2016, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and ministerial-level agencies, and the following specific tasks and powers:

1. To submit to the Government draft laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, draft ordinances and resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee; draft decrees and resolutions of the Government under its approved annual law-making programs and plans and other projects and schemes as assigned by the Government or the Prime Minister.

2. To submit to the Government long-term, five-year and annual development strategies, master plans, programs and plans and national key projects; to submit to the Prime Minister draft decisions and directives on the fields under its state management.

3. To promulgate circulars, decisions, directives and other documents under its state management.

4. To direct, guide, inspect and organize the implementation of legal documents and its approved strategies, master plans, programs, plans, projects and schemes in the fields under its state management.

5. Regarding law-making work:

a/ To submit to the Government draft strategies on building and improving the legal system;

b/ To appraise, participate in making, and contribute comments on proposals on formulating laws and ordinances, which are submitted by the Government, and proposals to formulate decrees; to list the Government’s proposals on law- and ordinance-making programs regarding issues within the Government’s functions, tasks and powers; to propose presiding and coordinating agencies to draft bills and ordinances to the Prime Minister for decision;

c/ To appraise, participate in elaborating, and contribute comments on draft documents in accordance with law;

d/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries and ministerial-level agencies in preparing the Government’s opinions on proposals to formulate laws and ordinances, which are not submitted by the Government, and on National Assembly deputies’ motions on laws or ordinances in accordance with law; to prepare the Government’s opinions on draft bills and ordinances, which are not submitted by the Government, as assigned by the Prime Minister;

dd/ To make lists of documents detailing laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, ordinances and resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee, and orders and decisions of the President to be submitted to the Prime Minister for decision; to notify People’s Councils and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities (below referred to as provincial-level People’s Councils and People’s Committees) of the lists of contents to be detailed by local administrations;

e/ To guide, monitor, press for and examine ministries, ministerial-level agencies and localities in law-making work accordance with law.

Defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice
Number of symbols 97/2017/ND-CP
Document type Decree
Date issued 17/03/2012
Effective date 17/03/2012
Expiry date 16/03/2020
Number of views 57
Number of download 2